Monday, September 20, 2010

Local MMA fans say what?

I took pictures at a few local events this weekend - Lords of Combat at the Bren Center & the C.A.M.O show at the Irvine Marriott. There were a bunch of differences between the shows and one glaring similarity. 

Lords of Combat was a pro event put on by an unknown promoter (at least, i'd never heard of him). The C.A.M.O show featured amateur fights promoted by well-knows HB MMA fighter & clothing mogul Razor Rob McCullogh. 

Lords of Combat had Big John McCarthy. The C.A.M.O show had some local refs. 

Lords of Combat had local ring girls. The C.A.M.O show had "Hot Adult SuperStar" ring girls.

Lords of Combat had only a few MMA names - Benji Radach and Mark Munoz. The C.A.M.O show had "Razor" Rob McCullogh, Joey "Mexicutioner" Beltran, Frankie Lester and Jason "Mayhem" Miller. 

Lords of Combat had local fighters who have been a part of the jiu-jitsu/mma scene for a while. C.A.M.O had fighters from San Diego, Temecula and LA - guys that are just starting to make a name in the sport.   

The one thing that both shows were missing was fansThe crowd at both events was mainly family members and teammates. 

Right now its hard to drive more than 5 minutes without seeing an MMA gym sticker on a big raised truck.... or go anywhere that you don't see some muscle-y dude sporting his Tapout gear head-to-toe. Why aren't those 'fans' supporting small events? 

New Pro and Ammy fighters need to have a place to learn how to fight in front of people, gain a following and to prove their skills in order to catch the attention of the big shows. 

Promotions need ticket purchasing fans in order to continue to provide a cage for local fighters to test their mettle.

Next time you hear about a local mma event, spend the money and go see what it's all about. 


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Decent into MMA-dness

I stumbled into jiu jitsu on accident five years ago. Like most random accidents it turned out to be one of those things that changed me. Despite all the black eyes, bruises, cuts and pulled tendons I keep going back. Every class is the opportunity to learn something. 

I even got lucky enough to find a way for my creative side to get a piece of the action. It started with pictures around the gym on a 4 megapixel camera - 2008 albums at Even with that I was able to capture some cool stuff. Eventually I made the move.... I sunk my cash into a "real" camera with more than 2 settings. The hustling began....and was born.

Through my pictures I am able to share the way that I perceive jiu jitsu and mma. I am confident I can do the same with words. This is going to be an experiment. I'm not 100% sure which which way I will end up wandering.  Right now it is merely an idea with the potential to be anything!